Chicago Fire Apple Music Playlist Just 4 Hours Of Man Screaming

INTERNET - With the release of official Apple Music playlists for most Major League Soccer (MLS) teams, fans were quick to note that the Chicago Fire playlist is just 4 hours of a man screaming.

Artists Depiction

"We have playlists across MLS that reflect the culture and personality of the team they are made for,” stated Fire music curator Josiah Williams. “What better way for new fans to get the feeling of the Fire than a 4 hour track of someone screaming in an empty room?"

Sources state that the Fire created a playlist roundtable of unpaid volunteers to suggest tracks to the Fire music selection committee. Some of the reported options given to the team were empty dissonance, the sound of one hand clapping and a 26 hour cut of the Apocalypse Now clip of, “the horror, the horror,” played in Dolby Surround.

Fire GameDay staff say they're excited for new fans to connect the dots to come to a game by revealing it will be played before, during, and after Fire games in the future.

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as excited fans can’t tell where their screaming begins and the playlist ends.