Don Garber Promises Safe Space For Neo-Nazis And Gang Members

WASHINGTON - In recent comments to Philadelphia Inquirer and Daily News reporter Jonathan Tannenwald, Major League Soccer Commissioner Don Garber promised a safe space and refuge for Neo-Nazis, gang members and white supremacists as he stated that the league wasn’t interested in the beliefs of the person but rather just the wallet and money that individual possesses.

“The last thing this league is going to do is start getting into profiling who people are and what their backgrounds are,” stated Commissioner Garber when asked about Neo-Nazis, racists and violent individuals who patronized New York City FC games over the past few years. “We don’t care if the person is yelling anti-semitic slurs, threatening fellow fans and throwing up Nazi salutes as long as they are doing so outside or slightly adjacent to the stadium or even maybe inside but out of sight of any of our monitors. There are good people on both sides of the Neo-Nazis who want to hurt people and people who don’t like Nazis debate. As they say, if the check clears then you may appear and we are completely fine with that.”

Commissioner Garber stated that this philosophy does not extend to smoke or flares outside the stadium as he stated, “Smoke and flares are still not OK outside the stadium. Look, we aren’t going to judge you if you are a Nazi or believe in the Nazi beliefs because those are your own beliefs, but if you light a flare, a smoke bomb or even an un-permitted grill within SNIFFING distance of an MLS stadium we will ban you from the grounds in perpetuity.”

When asked about the continual efforts at eliminating anti-fascist statements and banners in MLS crowds, Commissioner Garber stated that he refuses to judge people for their convictions as long as they exalt the league above the individual.

“We believe in a centralized autocratic government headed by a supreme leader with severe economic and social regimentation. If there’s any kind of opposition to this we reserve the right to engage in forcible suppression.”

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Don Garber announces a anti-anti-fascists night at NYCFC games.