Historical Newspaper Clippings Show 125 Years Of, "US Soccer A Sleeping Giant," Headlines

Dedicated historical researchers with The Nutmeg News were able to show 125 Years Of, "US Soccer A Sleeping Giant," Headlines as they pulled an old cover of The Nutmeg News from February 15, 1892.

A review through the historical archives of old print versions of The Nutmeg News revealed a headline day 125 years ago as our newspaper proclaimed United States Soccer a sleeping giant!

"This proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that pundits writing about US Soccer are front-runners at claiming things that the USSF hasn't paid off, for some time," stated TNN Senior Researcher Carla Gifford. "These old newspaper clippings show that soccer writers have a tradition, in the United States, of claiming their country to be the country of the future for Soccer. As well, we can see that this tradition of pundits claiming that the United States is a sleeping giant extends back, at least, to 1892."

The Nutmeg News spoke to senior soccer analyst and high school football reporter Brock Landers who stated, "All this shows is that the United States had 125 years to get their shit together and really hasn't. I'm not saying its too late, at this point, but I have a better chance of organizing my divorced parents into a custody agreement for their Shih Tzu than US Soccer has of organizing its pay to play leagues."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as we comb through our records for more historical nuggets.