Supporters Group Claims Diversity Award

Duluth, MN - Thor's Hammer, a supporters group of the Minnesota Menace, have claimed a 2016 Supporters Group diversity award after they recently acquired a bisexual Vietnamese fan on loan for the rest of the year.

Soccer supporter group demographics in North America (excluding Mexico) can be a bit monochromatic.

"Let's not beat around the bush," stated Berthold Smith, president of Thor's Hammer, to The Nutmeg News. "We are a pretty non-diverse group of supporters, even if you look at many of the big groups nationally. It isn't intentional, but the demographics into the sport right now don't lie. It's especially obvious when you browse pictures across the pantheon of soccer supporters in the United States. Soccer stands in the US and Canada aren't exactly a hugely diverse place, yet. So when we added Samuel Nguyen to our ranks this year it upped the diversity of the league supporters group by a whopping 10%."

Mr. Smith admitted that the group pictures of Thor's Hammer used to resemble an IT company's annual picnic, but now he stated that the supporters group is proud to showcase actual physical evidence that they are inclusive and welcoming, even if most of the membership remains lily white.

"We have always had people flying pride flags, but many of our members in our LGBT community moved to Minneapolis in the past few years. So it's really nice to have a double whammy of someone from Vietnam who also is part of the LGBT community. Really gives us that edge in the awards categories."

The Nutmeg News will have more on this as Thor's Hammer tries to figure out a way to reach out to more fans from different socioeconomic areas of the city who may not even understand that they might enjoy soccer.