Hope Solo Beats World, No Charges Pressed

Vancouver, BC - Goalkeeper Hope Solo was found to have beat the world recently instead of her relatives and crowd analysis has shown that the general public is ready to forgive her for nearly everything now.

The Nutmeg News was able to obtain quotes from the populace at large the reflect the shift of viewing Solo as a drunken violent offender to a World Champion hero.

"She is a legend and icon to people everywhere" -- Sandra Duquense of Myrtle Beach.

"I can't wait to show my daughter pictures of her winning the world cup and hide all the stories about her arrests and the problems with her piece of shit husband" -- Brad Felton of Green Bay

"This is someone who has persevered and achieved. I can't wait for the redeeming Hope Solo movie." -- Jeremy Koenig of Santa Barbara

"It tells me that no matter how hard you try to hit your sister and nephew, that if you win the World Cup, all is forgiven" -- Theresa Alston of Lakewood

Solo's publicist has said they will continue to move to a redemption and learning story line followed by a heavily publicity tour and a few endorsement deals.

"I'm just telling her to keep her head down, talk about the team and let Abby Wambach take all the grief." said publicist Jimmy Franz. "This is the best way we can monetize her new found respect and bury that time that she and her husband were arrested in the team van when they took it and went drinking and driving."